A Season of Gratitude - Reflecting on Thankfulness in the Pool Industry
Grace Crandall • November 26, 2024
business holidayThe days are getting shorter, the trees have turned red and gold, and Thanksgiving is fast approaching! From coordinating last minute travel plans to making sure the house is clean for guest arrivals, it can be easy to get caught up in the "to do" lists of the season. Paythepoolman invites you to join us in reflecting on the many reasons those of us in the pool industry have to be grateful. Keep reading to see some of the gifts we have been reflecting on during this time of thankfulness:
A Freshly Cleaned Pool
There's just something about standing back after a hard day's work and looking at the pool you just serviced. The crystal clear water shining in the sunlight... the gentle splash of the tiny waterfall... the perfectly paved bottom. Remember to be thankful for these little moments when you can step back and be proud of a job well done!
A Full Tank of Gas
There's no better feeling than leaving the house, a hot coffee in hand, and your truck packed for a long day of servicing pools... well, maybe there is a better feeling: when you look down and see that your gas tank is full. A full tank is a great start to a work day!
A Country Where We Can Swim
As Americans, there is no denying that we enjoy wonderful privilege when it comes to leisure. Our country is so peaceful that we are able to keep big pools of water in our backyards just for recreational swimming. What a great blessing that is!
Loyal Customers
We all have difficult experiences with customers. But isn't it wonderful, after those difficult conversations, that there are loyal customers waiting to welcome us? No matter how many uncomfortable encounters there are, we can rely on old faithful patrons to greet us with an enthusiastic smile and an on-time payment. It's even better when one of those customers is an adorable puppy!
The Opportunity to Serve
Just because you are being paid to clean pools doesn't mean that it can't be an act of service! Whether you are cleaning a pool that an elderly grandmother uses for her grandchildren to play, sprucing up a water feature at a hotel where a grieving family needs to stay, or fastening a winter pool cover over a young couple's first pool, you are bringing smiles and comfort to your community.
Lastly, here at Paythepoolman, we want to acknowledge how thankful we are for you: our loyal companies. Without you, pools would turn green and our wonderful support team would miss speaking withy you! We thank you today and every day for your continued support!
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