Social Media Savvy Series Pt.2
Grace Crandall • November 6, 2024
business tipsTikTok may seem like a daunting platform. After all, it's new, it's cool, and it's popular with those darn kids. But what you don't know is that TikTok can be a powerful platform for reaching people who aren't already aware of your company. Because of the app's algorithm, your posts have a higher chance of "going viral." Just by posting a video, you will be shown to random people who may be interested in hiring you. If these people like what they see, they may click a "like" or "follow" which will prompt the algorithm to share your work with more TikTok users.
Create an Account
The first step to getting your name out there is to create an account. When you sign into TikTok, you will be taken to your "for you page," which is much like the "explore page" on Instagram that we covered in our last "Social Media Savvy" post. On the bottom of the screen, far right, you will see a tiny icon that says "profile." Click here and navigate to the button that says "edit profile."
- Choose a profile picture that reflects your business. A logo is best!
- Choose your username. It's a good idea to create one that is either your business name, or lets the viewer know what services you provide.
- You can also add a bio that lets the viewer know where you're located, how to contact you, and what services you provide.
Here is an example of what your profile may look like:
Post Your First Video
Next, you will need to create your first video. Don't be intimidated by all the bells and whistles. There will be plenty of time to play around with these features as you become more accustomed to the app. For now, just practice creating a video. Sometimes the simplest ones go the farthest!
Click the big "+" button at the bottom of your screen.
You can either choose to take a video or choose something from your photo album. If you choose to create a video, simply hold down that middle button as you film. When you want to add a cut to the video, lift up your finger, and hold it down once again to resume filming. To upload something you have already filmed/photographed, click the small photo button on the bottom right.
If you decide to upload a photo or video you've already taken, simply whichever ones you would like to include. If you choose all photos, TikTok will create a slideshow with music. If you choose all videos, or a mixture of photos and videos, TikTok will add these all into a video.
Once you've chosen which photos/videos you'd like to share, click "next." TikTok will automatically generate a video with music. You can click the small title of the song at the top of the screen to pull up many more song options. You can even click the magnifying glass to search for more songs!
Utilize the icons on the right side of the post to add text, stickers, filters, or to adjust the length of the videos.
Once the video is how you would like it, hit "next," add a caption, and post!
Below is an example of what your post may look like before you click "next."
Once your post is published, it will automatically be sent out to a small group of people. The idea is to generate clicks, since the more people that interact with your post, the more people TikTok will share your account with.
Here are some ideas for videos to help you get clicks as you get started:
"A Day in the Life" of a Pool Guy "How To" Pool Maintenance Videos "How To" Properly Store Chemicals Before and After Photos of a Cleaned Pool
There are many, many other types of videos you can share on TikTok! Poke around in the app and maybe follow a few other pool service providers. You'll get your sea (er, pool) legs in no time at all!
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